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Tartu has one of the best living environments in the world

Tartu City Government Press Release

Kaspar Alev and Tõnis Arjus

18. detsember 2019 / In the final round of the prestigious international competition LivCom Awards, in the category of best living environment for cities with 75,000-150,000 residents, Tartu was deemed worthy of second place, i.e. the silver medal.

The jury for the LivCom Awards (International Awards for Liveable Communities) recognized Tartu for its high quality and innovative development in all walks of life and for its bold decisions in designing a sustainable urban space. Tartu City Architect Tõnis Arjus and Kaspar Alev, analyst in the Department of Municipal Property, gave the final presentation for the city of Tartu, at Tor Vergata University, in Rome.

According to the Mayor of Tartu, Urmas Klaas, this award is great international recognition. ‘We have been working for many years to make Tartu a good place for our people to live and to be the best place in the world for them. Our joy is made even greater by the international recognition of Tartu,’ said the Mayor.

Tartu participated in the competition in the category of cities with the best living environment, where the public space, the city’s history and culture, and active lifestyles were all evaluated, along with environmental protection, the inclusion of residents and sustainable planning and city management.

Competition was intense, with more than 100 cities applying for the international award for most liveable cities, and 22 being selected for the final. Tartu participated in the competition at the request of the organisers.

First place in the same category was won by the City of St. Cloud, in the U.S. state of Minnesota. In the category of larger cities, first place was awarded to Lisbon. In the category of small cities, bronze was won by the town of Haapsalu.


Viimati muudetud 18.12.2019