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Tartu thanked its hard working bus drivers

Tartu City Government Press Release

bus drivers

30 мая / Those hard working Tartu bus drivers, who earned the most words of praise from passengers this year, met today with Mayor Urmas Klaas.

The best bus driver proved to be Pille-Riin Kähr, whose smooth style of driving and pleasant communication were highlighted. Also earning more words of praise than others were Ivar Valk and Jose Alberto.

Mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas welcomed the fact that there are many hard working bus drivers in Tartu, who have also caught the eye of passengers with their pleasant communication and professional work. ‘After all, bus drivers are one of the calling cards for our city,’ added the Mayor.

The hard working bus drivers were recognised with a letter of appreciation and awards.

The hardest working bus drivers were determined for the second year. At present, there are more than 150 bus drivers working at Sebe, 9 of whom are women. Within the framework of the given campaign 39 bus drivers were mentioned and feedback was provided by 119 passengers.

Последнее изменение 31.05.2019