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Tartu launched a vision competition for the Raadi region

Tartu City Government Press Release

Raadi Фото: Meelis Lokk

15 июня / The City of Tartu announced a vision competition for the Raadi region, with the goal being to find a comprehensive spatial solution for the nearly 30 hectare region. The competition area stretches along Roosi Street to the Estonian National Museum, from Puiestee Street to Museumi Road.

According to Deputy Mayor Reno Laidre, Raadi offers excellent possibilities for creating a good public space. 'Spacious territory, many ideas that have already been brought to the table, and great potential for the generation of new ideas. I hope that the wasteland, which is only 1.5 kilometres from Town Hall, will see vigorous development and attract investors to the region, said Laidre  He added that Raadi is home to extremely exciting urban spatial communities, which should support each other and, through the competition, become a single attractive whole.

City Architect Tõnis Arjus stated that the urban development of the Raadi region is an important part of ensuring a coherent urban space. ‘The new Estonian National Museum building has given the place a powerful meaning, and the development of the city in the direction of the Estonian National Museum must be thoroughly rethought, with specific spatial goals being set. The vision competition plays an instrumental role in this,' said Arjus.

Located in the Raadi-Kruusamäe City District, the competition area includes the Estonian National Museum, Raadi Manor, Lake Raadi, former aircraft hangars, and a horse manège. The region’s buildings consist mainly of small residential buildings and wooden apartment buildings. Recreational and green areas, such as Raadi Park, Seiklus- ja Lumepark (Adventure Park and Snow Park), constitute an important part; however, a large portion of the territory remains undeveloped. Tartu’s comprehensive plan foresees the construction of Raadi Hall in the region, for holding international events.

The main goal of the public spatial solution competition is to find a comprehensive urban planning vision for the residential and commercial properties located within the competition area, which will then serve as the basis for potential future developments.

The deadline for submitting competition works is 18 September 2020.

Additional information: https://www.tartu.ee/et/raadi-piirkonna-visioonivoistlus

Helle Tolmoff

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Последнее изменение 15.06.2020