Dear residents of Tartu!
Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are consolidating on this page the instructions and guidelines to be observed in regard to the spreading of the virus. COVID-19 is a droplet infection spread from person to person via sneezing and coughing, and the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads through contaminated surfaces and unwashed hands.
How to stop the spread of the coronavirus?
- The most effective way to prevent infection is to keep your distance. It is recommended that a mask be worn in crowded areas and especially indoors, where it is not possible to keep your distance from other people. Enclosed crowded spaces should be avoided, if possible.
- Hand hygiene must be observed. Warm water and soap should be used for hand washing, with alcohol-based hand sanitizer being utilised in public places.
- When sneezing or coughing, you must cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue. The used tissue should be thrown away immediately, after which you should wash your hands. If there is no napkin, use your sleeve (inside elbow portion), not your bare hand.
- If you are sick, you should remain at home, even if your symptoms are mild. If you are experiencing any symptoms, you should suspect infection with the coronavirus and contact your family doctor.
The following guidelines will be updated on a running basis. Find more info:
The testing tent is located in the lower parking lot of the Tartu Song Festival Grounds. Free testing is only available with a referral from your family doctor.
Instructions from the Health Board:
- You must arrive for testing at the agreed upon time, not significantly earlier or later.
- A person who suspects that they are infected with the corona virus may not travel by public transport to take the test.
- It is recommended that you wear a personal mask and disinfect your hands, while keeping a distance of two metres.
- If you are exhibiting coronavirus symptoms and it is not possible to visit the testing tent in person, this should be stated when agreeing on the test time, in which case providing a sample at home is recommended.
- Takeway and Delivery
In Estonia, medicinal products can be purchased from two online pharmacies:
Apotheka (Tel: 679-1870)
Südameapteek (Tel: 605-7171)Learn about what can be ordered from the online pharmacies, and how to do so, on the homepage of the State Agency of Medicines.
Restaurants and food delivery
Food delivery
Based on the need to minimize contact between people, the Tartu City Government recommends that you avoid visiting shops and instead order delivery of food to your home or a parcel machine, if possible. If visiting a shop is unavoidable, it is recommended that you carefully plan your shopping list and also plan ahead. The City Government is also calling on people to help family members and relatives who lack the ability or skills to place orders online.
Information about Coronavirus disease COVID-19
The national coronavirus crisis hotline is 1247.
- If you suspect that you have been infected with the coronavirus, you should contact your general practitioner (GP), ask for assistance through the GP hotline 1220 (if calling from outside of Estonia: +372 634 6630) or in case of need, call the ambulance at the emergency number 112.
- COVID-19 symptoms are similar to those of the flu. The virus may cause coughing, fever, and trouble breathing.
- The best defence against infection is washing hands and avoiding contact with infected people.
- After returning from abroad, you have to stay in home isolation for 14 days.
Read more about the coronavirus on the website of the Health Board.