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Issuing certificates of vital statistics events

Department of Population Facts
Tiigi 12, 50410 Tartu

Küüni 5, 51004 Tartu
Phone: 736 1140

Opening hours: Mon 9:00–12:00, 14:00–17:30; Tue 12:00–16:00, Wed, Fri 9:00–12:00 and 13:00–16:00; Thu closed

General information
Submitting an application
Certificate to be submitted in a foreign country
Useful references

General information

Local city and municipality governments issue certificates of vital statistics events that are drafted starting from 1 July 1926. Information and documents about vital statistics events prior to 1 July 1926 can be received from the National Archive. You should also turn to the National Archive in case information about a family record or vital statistics statement is wished to be received as a copy or notice.

The department of vital statistics of Tartu City Government issues the following certificates:

  • birth certificate
  • death certificate
  • marriage certificate
  • divorce certificate
  • certificate of change of name
  • confirmed extract of vital statistics
  • certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage

Certificates can be ordered for yourself, your minor children and persons under your guardianship and your deceased spouse or registered partner.

The electronic certificate is confirmed with a digital stamp or a digital signature of the registrar. The certificate issued on paper is confirmed by the civil registry officer with a signature and a small seal of the state coat of arms.

There is no need to submit a certificate to institutions of Estonian state and local government as they receive your information from the population register.

The certificate can be ordered in paper form (issued at the office) or electronically with a digital stamp (available within one month in the e-population register) or digitally signed (sent to e-mail).

NB! Please make sure that it is possible for you to use the digitally signed document prior to applying for it, as the PDF format of the file does not include a handwritten signature or seal of the official.

The information of vital statistics events on the issued document reflects the data at the moment of issuing (such as names).

It is possible to receive the certificate in Estonian, English, German or French. The certificate of change of name can only be received in Estonian.

Last changed 14.02.2024

Submitting an application

Applications can be submitted:

It needs to be marked in the application how the applicant would like to receive the extract – either digitally signed (encrypted) and sent by email or received on paper at the office (Tiigi 12).

If you apply via email for a certificate on paper that will be collected by a person authorized by you, please attach a digitally signed authorization in the name of the authorized person to the application.

The certificate will be issued immediately. Please take your ID with you.

Tiigi 12, Tartu 50410
email [email protected]

Application forms

Receiving the document, state fee and payment

The ordered document can be received:

  • when arriving in person (with an identity document)
  • via e-mail encrypted (digitally signed document)

If your authorized person picks up the paper document, in order to receive the document, you must present the authorization, which may have been announced when ordering the document (e.g. in the e-population register), in the name of the authorized person.

The state fee must be paid before submitting your application. It is possible to pay the state fee at the office (Tiigi 12) using a bank card at the self-service check-out or via online bank.

  • Recurring certificate of birth, death, marriage, divorce, change of name, change of gender and certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage – 20 euros
  • A copy of a confirmed vital statistics certificate, family record or a document in additional publication - 20 euros
  • CIEC international vital statistics certificate – 20 euros
  • Multilingual standard form and an added recurring vital statistics event certificate – 40 euros.

Beneficiary of state fee: Rahandusministeerium (Ministry of Finance)
SEB Bank EE891010220034796011 (SWIFT: EEUHEE2X)
Swedbank EE932200221023778606 (SWIFT: HABAEE2X)
Luminor Bank EE701700017001577198 (SWIFT: NDEAEE2X)
Reference number 10294002000134

In the explanation field of the payment please write: rahvastikuregistri väljavõte (extract from the population register) and name.

Additional information:
Kaia Rahu, phone 742 0954
Kadri Männik, phone 742 0960
email [email protected]

Last changed 02.01.2025

Certificate to be submitted in a foreign country

It is possible to apply for a vital statistics event certificate in a foreign language (in English, German and French) or a multilingual extract of vital statistics report (A CIEC certificate which is valid in certain countries and does not need additional formalities) to be submitted in a foreign country.

On 24 December 2011, the CIEC (International Commission on Civil Status Conventions) on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records came into effect in Estonia. Members of this convention, in addition to Estonia, are Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Spain, Holland, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, France, Romania, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Turkey.

In case an EU member state, where the certificate is submitted, does not accept documents in any of the aforementioned four languages nor the CIEC form certificate, it is possible to apply for a certificate in Estonian accompanied with a multilingual standard form in the language of the accepting country.

The multilingual standard form is a tool for translating a public document and can only be used between EU member states. These forms cannot be submitted to third countries.

NB! In case the receiving country accepts the document in Estonian, English, German or French, or accepts a certificate on a CIEC form, there is no need to order a separate standard form.

Last changed 20.03.2023

Kristina Aabrams - juhataja

Osakonna töö juhtimine ja korraldamine.

746 1772

5330 4213

Tiigi 12


Viivi Maremäe - juhtiv peaspetsialist

Elukoha aadressiga seotud küsimused, andmevahetuse korraldamine teiste asutustega, elukoha andmete rahvastikuregistrisse kandmine KOV algatusel, elukoha aadressiandmete muutmine omaniku õigustatud nõudmisel, isikukoodide moodustamine.

736 1139

527 0282

Küüni 5, I k

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Siiri Sinijärv - juhtiv peaspetsialist

Abielu lahutamine, uue isikunime andmine, vaimulike abielude registreerimine, välisriigi dokumendi sisestamine rahvastikuregistrisse.

742 0632

505 1944

Tiigi 12

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Kersti Aadusoo - peaspetsialist

Abielu sõlmimise tseremoonia läbiviimine.

742 0632


Tiigi 12


Tiiu Eintalu - peaspetsialist

Elukoha registreerimine, isikukoodide moodustamine.

736 1031


Küüni 5, I k

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Ljudmila Maslenikova - peaspetsialist

Abielu sõlmimine, välisriigi dokumendi sisestamine rahvastikuregistrisse, rahvastikuregistris olevate andmete täiendamine ja parandamine, kohtulahendite rahvastikuregistrisse kandmine, isikukoodide moodustamine.

742 0856


Tiigi 12

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Marko Mängli - peaspetsialist

Rahvastikuregistri andmete töötlemine ja klientide nõustamine, isikukoodide moodustamine, elukoha aadressandmete rahvastikuregistrisse kandmine.

736 1140


Küüni 5, I k

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Kadri Männik - peaspetsialist

Sünni registreerimine, isaduse omaksvõtu kannete koostamine, välisriigi dokumendi sisestamine rahvastikuregistrisse, rahvastikuregistris olevate andmete täiendamine ja parandamine, kohtulahendite rahvastikuregistrisse kandmine.

742 0960


Tiigi 12

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Peep Puis - peaspetsialist

Abielu sõlmimise tseremoonia läbiviimine.

 742 0632 


Tiigi 12


Kaia Rahu - peaspetsialist

Korduvate perekonnaseisudokumentide (tõendite) väljastamine, abieluvõimetõendite väljastamine, rahvastikuregistri väljavõtte väljastamine, andmete rahvastikuregistrist väljastamine õigustatud huvi korral, välisriigi dokumendi sisestamine rahvastikuregistrisse, rahvastikuregistris olevate andmete täiendamine ja parandamine, kohtulahendite rahvastikuregistrisse kandmine.

742 0954


Tiigi 12

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Maie Tamm - peaspetsialist

Elukoha registreerimine, isikukoodi moodustamine.

736 1141


Küüni 5, I k

E 9-12 ja 14-17.30, T 12-16, K 9-12 ja 13-16, R 9-12 ja 13-16

Kadri Kehayova - koordinaator

Tartu linna ja Lõuna-Eestisse alaliselt või ajutiselt elama asunud välismaalaste kohta teabe haldamine ja mitmekülgse abi andmise korraldamine ning tegevuste koordineerimine.



Ülikooli 17


Annela Samarüütel - spetsialist

Tiigi 12 hoonet külastavate kodanike vastuvõtmine ja suunamine, sh abielutseremoonia läbiviimisel, dokumendihalduse korraldamine.

742 0624


Tiigi 12
