This department coordinates the city’s construction activities and construction supervision, the development of the city’s technical infrastructure, the organisation of land readjustment and geodetic work, issues regarding the protection of cultural property and objects of cultural value and issues pertaining to architecture. Seven services operate within the department.
The Architecture Service organises competitions on architecture and urban planning; draws up zoning ordinances and terms and conditions for the design of buildings; coordinates construction projects; directs urban planning; and issues permits for the installation of advertisements.
The Supervision Service is responsible for construction supervision; inspects newly constructed buildings; issues permits for the use of buildings; inspects the maintenance of buildings; orders expert assessments of construction projects; deals with unauthorised construction; and organises the annual competition for the best construction of the year.
The Cultural Heritage Service organises the study and preservation of cultural property, building sites with cultural significance and other objects of cultural value; approves plans and construction projects related to heritage conservation areas and building sites with cultural significance; organises the protection and supervision of archaeological sites; and allocates restoration grants.
The Permits and Registry Service reviews construction projects and checks whether they comply with requirements; issues construction permits and permits for the use of buildings as well as facilities; and submits data to the State Register of Construction Works.
The Engineering Service handles questions related to the development of the city’s utility networks, the preparation of terms of reference for plans and the organisation of the drawing up of detailed plans. Additionally, it deals with the development of the city street network, plans traffic and prepares design conditions for facilities.
The Geodesy Service develops and organises geoinformation based on geodetic and land readjustment work; organises geodetic, cartographic and land survey work; and organises the changing of addresses and street names.
The Land Readjustment Service handles activities related to the land readjustment of municipal land; issues related to municipal land; and retaining state ownership of land, acquiring land for the city or privatising land.
Küüni 5, 51004 Tartu
+372 7361 238
[email protected]
Contact details of employees (in Estonian)