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Supplementary social allowance

Department of Social Welfare and Health Care
Raekoja plats 3, 51003 Tartu
+372 736 1300

Supplementary social allowance

The aim of the supplementary social allowance is to contribute to and improve the coping skills of a person and a family and to cover in part the indispensable expenses of a less privileged person or family that are not compensated for with other state or local allowances and services.

Right to apply – a person living alone or a family whose place of residence registered in the Population Register of Estonia is the City of Tartu and whose actual place of residence is in the administrative territory of the City of Tartu.


Family members are deemed to be the following persons who live in the same dwelling and have a shared household:
1) persons who are married or in a relationship similar to marriage;

2) ascendants and descendants related in the first and second degree;

3) other persons who have a shared household.


Supplementary social allowances are:

  • emergency allowance – allowance for the mitigation of a crisis caused by an accident, fire, theft, illness or death of a family member, etc.;

Other allowances, such as:

  • technical aid allowance – allowance paid to a disabled person for partial compensation for the expenses of buying, renting and using a personal technical aid;

  • medical treatment allowance – allowance for compensating for the expenses of buying prescription medicinal products or attending medical treatment procedures not financed out of the funds of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund or the Social Insurance Board;

  • transport allowance – allowance for partial compensation for the expenses of travelling to medical treatment procedures, medical rehabilitation and social welfare institutions;

  • moving allowance – allowance payable to a less privileged person upon renting a dwelling or upon relocation;

  • repair allowance – allowance for covering the expenses of maintenance repairs of a dwelling;

  • allowance for furnishing a dwelling – allowance for the acquisition and repair of items of furniture and household appliances;

  • allowance for ensuring the coping of a child – allowance payable for buying school supplies, clothes, footwear and any other indispensable children's items;

In order to apply, the applicant submits a substantiated written application to a specialist of the regional centre of the Department of Social Welfare and Health Care of their place of residence.


The applicant submits the data and documents that certify:

  • the identity of the applicant (birth certificate, ID card);

  • the membership of the applicant’s family;

  • the net income of the person living alone or of the family members (if income cannot be certified, the applicant will verify it with their signature);

  • the banking transactions of the person living alone or of their family members conducted in the three preceding months (bank statement);

  • the amount of the maintenance support paid, the receipt of the maintenance support or a claim of maintenance support;

  • the property in the ownership or use of the person living alone or of their family members (dwellings, vehicles, securities, etc.);

  • the expenses of the person living alone or of their family members (incl. housing expenses, loans, arrears, etc.);

  • the expenses, incl. forecast expenses, serving as a basis for the application for the allowance;

  • the bank account of the person to which they wish the transfer of the amount of the allowance be made (in the event of transfer to the bank account of a third person, the applicant’s corresponding hand-written application).

The applicant must make it possible for a specialist to pay a home visit to the dwelling used by the applicant.


The allowance is granted by the social welfare committee or a specialist of the regional centre of the Department of Social Welfare and Health Care. The allowance is paid to the applicant within one week of the granting of the allowance.


Granting of the allowance may be refused if the applicant’s income or the immovables and movables in their ownership ensure them or their family with sufficient funds for coping.

In Arabic

The translation has been made under the “Exchange of information by Department of Social Welfare and Health Care of Tartu City Government about public services” project of the Department of Social Welfare and Health Care of Tartu City Government and is co-financed by the European Union through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia.

Last changed 07.12.2020