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Guidelines for applying for grants

Tartu has a unique cultural life. The city is an ideal environment for people engaged with professional, folk and alternative culture. Tartu is home to interesting museums as well as theatres and concert halls with diverse repertoires. Interesting and exciting festivals take place all year round. Thanks to Tartu’s top athletes and major sports events, the city’s sports life is also well-known beyond Estonia’s national borders.

Department of Culture

+372 736 1360
[email protected]

Raekoja plats 12, 51004 Tartu

Project grants
Programme support
Operational support
Development grants

All applications for Tartu City Government’s Department of Culture support measures must be submitted in Estonian. Detailed information and contacts concerning each support measure can be found on the website’s Estonian version

Grants for Cultural Projects

Support for a legal person organizing a cultural event or a series of cultural events, that either take place in Tartu or are in another way connected with Tartu, taking place at a specified time. 

Major cultural project grant €5001 to €50,000 (application deadline October 1st).

Small cultural project grant €500 to €5000 (application deadline two times a year):

  • by December 1st for events beginning between February and June;
  • by May 2nd for events beginning between July and January.

Grants for Youth Work Projects

The aim of youth work project grants is to improve the entrepreneurship, creativity, initiative, and joint actions of the youth by supporting events or series of events created for and in cooperation with the youth of Tartu. 

Major youth work project grant €3001 to €10,000 (application deadline October 1st).

Small youth work project grant €500 to €3000 (application deadline October 1st).


Grants for Sports Projects

Support for a legal person organizing a sports event or a series of sports events, that either take place in Tartu or are in another way connected with Tartu and takes place at a specified time.  

Major cultural project grant €4001 to €50,000 (application deadline September 1st). 

Small cultural project grant €400 to €4000 (application deadline two times a year): 

  • By November 1st for events that start between February and July; 
  • By April 1st for events that start between August and January. 

Grant for Inter-School Cup Competitions

The organization of inter-school cup competitions is supported in sports that are suitable for a student who can manage at an average level in the physical education class of a general education school and does not require specific training or equipment outside the curriculum, and on the condition that students from at least five basic schools in the city of Tartu or students from three upper secondary schools in the city of Tartu take part in the cup competitions. 

Support for interschool cup competitions is granted for the calendar year following the application. The application deadline is on September 1st. 

Last changed 20.06.2024

All applications for Tartu City Government’s Department of Culture support measures must be submitted in Estonian. Detailed information and contacts concerning each support measure can be found on the website’s Estonian version

Grants for Cultural Programmes

Support for legal person that provide a year-round (at least 10 months a year) cultural programme, that is either in Tartu or which is in another way connected with Tartu and is aimed at the public.   

Major cultural programme grant €10,001 to €50,000 (application deadline October 1st

Small cultural programme grant up to €10,000 (application deadline October 1st

Last changed 05.04.2024

All applications for Tartu City Government’s Department of Culture support measures must be submitted in Estonian. Detailed information and contacts concerning each support measure can be found on the website’s Estonian version

Grant for City District Associations

Enlivening the activity, strengthening communal identity, and supporting the events of the active district associations of Tartu. 

A non-profit organization operating in the city of Tartu, whose goal is to promote the living environment of a certain district, introduce its uniqueness and strengthen the residents' regional identity, can apply for support. The support is given to the district association, which was established no later than the year preceding the request for support. 

City district association grant is up to €3500 (application deadline November 1st). Support is divided into operational support and support for organizing an event. The amount of applicable activity support is up to €1000. 

Grant for National Minority Associations

Supporting an active national minority association in Tartu by maintaining, developing and presenting its cultural distinctiveness, involving the local citizens, increasing cooperation and thereby enriching the cultural life of Tartu. 

One national minority association can submit one application (application deadline October 1st). 

The national minority association support is divided into: 

  • individual event grant €500 to €5000;
  • grant for a series of events €1000 to €12,000.

Operational Support for Hobby Education

For private associations that offer hobby education in the city of Tartu to 7-19-year-olds or 60-year-olds and older, whose address in the Estonian population register is the city of Tartu. 

The hobby education operational support application deadline is on September 1st. List of participants, exact location and time of the activity, and additionally specifying if the group consists of participants consists of participants with special needs must be submitted no later than October 1st

The legal representative of a minor or an adult participating in hobby education must confirm their child's or their own participation in hobby education no later than November 1st

Three-year-long Operation Grant for Cultural Activities

Support for non-profit and non-government organisations and foundations that provide a year-round (at least 10 months a year) cultural programme, that is either in Tartu or which is in another way connected with Tartu and is aimed at the public.

Applicants must have been supported through Tartu City support measures for their cultural activities for at least the prior three years of applying.

The tree-year cultural operation grant is €10,001 to €75,000 euros per year per applicant (application deadline September 1st).

Representative Sport Team Grant

The representative team grant is support for a legal entity operating in the city of Tartu, which includes a sports team or other association of athletes competing as a team to achieve high-level sports goals. The team must unequivocally call itself a team of the city of Tartu. 

The representative team grant consists of two parts: general support and a reward for the Estonian championship (€5000). The application deadline is on September 1st

Last changed 05.04.2024

All applications for Tartu City Government’s Department of Culture support measures must be submitted in Estonian. Detailed information and contacts concerning each support measure can be found on the website’s Estonian version

Development Grant for Hobby Education Organisations

For activities that significantly support the development of the organization or field of activity, increase the capacity of the organization, enable the provision of new or significantly better services or reach new target groups. A prerequisite for applying is that the organisation has received hobby education activity support or hobby education rewards in at least three previous calendar years. 

The hobby education development support is €1000 to 10,000€ (application deadline March 1st).

Last changed 19.06.2024