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International education

There are altogether 30 general education schools in Tartu that provide both basic as well as general secondary education. 21 of those schools are municipal schools, 6 are private schools and 3 are state-maintained schools.

Department of Education

+372 736 1423
[email protected]

Raekoja plats 12, 51004 Tartu


International education

The primary target group of international education includes children of foreign diplomats, scientists, professors and other specialists who have taken up temporary residence in Estonia. International education aims to continue the education of said children without interruption on the basis of a comparable curriculum on a global or pan-European level.

Read more about international education here: Availability of international general education in Estonia

Miina Härma Gymnasium employs an international curriculum in Tartu; read more here!

Basic education in English can be obtained in the Tartu International School.

Preschool education in English can be obtained in the Tartu International Daycare, operating as part of the Tartu International School and the English-language study group in Terake.

Tartu International School
Tartu International School

Last changed 07.12.2020