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Tartu to create a green circle of biodiversity

Tartu City Government Press Release

Elurikkus Photo: Mana Kaasik

/ The City of Tartu is participating in the project urbanLIFEcircles (Introducing adaptive community-based biodiversity management in urban areas for improved connectivity and ecosystem health—urbanLIFEcircles), the aim of which is to increase biodiversity in Tartu. Together with the project partners, a vibrant network of green spaces will be created, connecting existing green areas and also forming new green corridors.

The City of Tartu is implementing the project in cooperation with the cities of Aarhus and Riga, with activities in Tartu being supported on the spot by the University of Tartu, the Tallinn University of Technology, nonprofit organisation Kino, and Green Tiger.
Together with the project partners, the species diversity of the green spaces in the City of Tartu and the functioning of green corridors will be improved, the availability of the city’s rich natural habitats will be improved with visitor infrastructure and better signage, good practice in the maintenance of urban greenery will be drawn up, biodiversity-friendly practices and principles will be developed and implemented, information on biodiversity will be disseminated among the city’s residents, cooperation with private gardeners will be carried out, tools for making data-based decisions will be prepared, etc. Similar activities will be repeated in the project by Aarhus, in Denmark, and Riga, in Latvia.
As a result of the project, biodiversity will increase in the City of Tartu, the city’s ability to withstand extreme weather conditions will improve (heat island effect, heavy rains, etc.), new green corridors will be created, and the ecological status of existing green areas and nature reserves located on the edge of the city will improve. Biodiversity-friendly working methods will be applied in the maintenance of green spaces.
The budget for the project is EUR 3.7 million, with the own contribution from the City of Tartu being nearly EUR 1.5 million. The project will be implemented by 2027.
The objectives of the project are also in line with the city’s development documents. Thus, the comprehensive plan for the City of Tartu 2040+ highlights the need to improve the green and blue network in the city, and highlights the need to increase biodiversity as a separate topic. The city’s Development Plan 2018–2025 also emphasises the need to systematically address the issues of the green network and biodiversity.
For more information, please contact Murel Truu, Urban Space Project Manager, tel: 517-1291.

Lilian Lukka

avalike suhete osakond

Tel: 736 1212
Mob: 516 4592

Last changed 03.01.2023