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Tasty Tartu invites you to enjoy a food experience at 26 restaurants

Tartu City Government Press Release


/ Tasty Tartu will be taking place throughout February, in Tartu, during which you can try special three-course menus at 26 restaurants.

These menus have been created especially for Restaurant Month, offering new and exciting flavours to both residents and guests of Tartu, while highlighting local ingredients.

“Faced with the constantly rising prices of raw materials and general price increases, restaurateurs in Tartu have done their best to offer exciting menus at a reasonable price. Last year’s entrepreneurial achievement was the development of catering in Tartu and its international recognition. The continued popularity of Tasty Tartu – both among restaurants and visitors – gives reason to believe that this development will continue vigorously’, said Deputy Mayor Raimond Tamm.
Participating restaurants include both the familiar and new, which residents of and visitors to Tartu can discover or rediscover. Taking part in Restaurant Month Tasty Tartu 2023 are Antonius, Café Shakespeare, Cafe Truffe, Chaplin, Chez Andre, Dorpat, Drinkgeld/Ülikooli Kohvik, FII, Gustav Gastro Café, Humal, Kampus, Kolm Tilli, Kongo Tango, Butchery, Meat Market, Newton, Pepe’s, Pierre, Pompei, RP9, Gunpowder Cellar, SOHO, Spargel, Trikster Tihane, Werner, and Vilde and Vine.

The special menus were given feedback by a committee comprised of the following experts: Elika Raal-Kikas (VOCO catering service vocational teacher), Karl Pajussaar (Gastronomist OÜ), Triin Abel (business consultant, food enthusiast), and Marilin Kroon (food and service economy manager).

Anxiously awaited by food lovers, Tasty Tartu is taking place for the ninth time. Special three-course menus can be enjoyed throughout the month of February at a cost of EUR 26–33. Menus and a list of participating restaurants are available on the event’s homepage www.maitsevtartu.ee. As usual, food lovers will also be able to rate the menus of restaurants, and these ratings will be used to determine the favourite restaurant among visitors.

Last changed 26.01.2023