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Three new exhibitions at the Tartu Art House

Tartu Art House

/ On Saturday, 8 October three new exhibitions will open in the Tartu Art House: Cloe Jancis and Sigrid Viir joint exhibition “The Second Act. Found in Translation” in the large gallery, Caroliina Luhamets solo exhibition “Way of life” in the small gallery and Tim Høibjerg, Triin Marts and Siiri Jüris joint exhibition “Veil of Night” in the monumental gallery.

Cloe Jancis and Sigrid Viir “The Second Act. Found in Translation” / Large gallery / 07.10.–06.11.2022

With the help of visual language, the artists in the exhibition depict the everyday absurd situations and analyse social constructions. The common themes are understanding and depiction of people and objects as well as various personal and social roles of women.  

Caroliina Luhamets “Way of life” / Small gallery / 07.10.–06.11.2022

The focus of the exhibition is the nature of home and its influences. The paintings depict moments that describe the artist’s life situation, personal values and influences from the past and present. The artist notes that the idea to do something about the nature and significance of home came to her almost three years ago, when the meaningful side of its nature changed several times over the years.

Tim Høibjerg, Triin Marts and Siiri Jüris “Veil of Night” / Monumental gallery / 07.10.–06.11.2022

In the exhibition, the artists direct their attention to a multi-layered and hard-to-describe underlying emotion, which can at the same time be all-engulfing and merely present as a slight sensation. They look at the tension of anticipation, the anxiety – the feeling that comes with a sense of impending danger.

The exhibitions will remain open until 6 November.

Additional information:

Urmo Teekivi
Tartu Art House producer
[email protected]
511 0883

Tartu Art House (Vanemuise 26, Tartu, Estonia) Wed–Mon 12–18. Exhibitions are free of charge.
The exhibitions of the Tartu Art House are supported by the Tartu Town Government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Last changed 07.10.2022