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Tartu awaits the opinion of residents regarding bus stop shelters

Tartu City Government Press Release

Bussipeatus Photo: Ketlin Lääts

/ The City of Tartu is set to announce a design competition for bus stop shelters, with the goal being to find a design solution for bus stop shelters that is both uniform and characteristic of Tartu.

Before announcing the competition, the city government wants to hear the opinion of residents regarding the appearance of a good and functional bus stop shelter. There are more than 230 bus stop shelters in Tartu.
You can give your answer here: www.tartu.ee/vorm/bussiootepaviljon until 19 October 2022.

Lilian Lukka

avalike suhete osakond

Tel: 736 1212
Mob: 516 4592

Last changed 03.01.2023