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Tartu City Day to treat Tartu residents to a packed cultural programme on Saturday

Tartu City Government Press Release

Linna päev Photo: Maanus Kullamaa

/ On Saturday, 29 June, Tartu City Day will be celebrated with a rich cultural programme full of concerts, exhibitions, creative events, and thanksgiving celebrations. The day will begin with the appearance of the city piano at Market Hall and end with a grand gala concert – The Capital of Culture through the Centuries – at Town Hall Square.

The day full of events will start at 9.00, with the appearance of the city piano at Market Hall. You can also see the city piano at 11.00 on the extension of Raatuse Street, at 13.00 on Pirogov Square, and at 15.00 on Rüütli Street.

At 10.00, the mayor will serve coffee on the terrace of Shakespeare Café and talk to the people of Tartu about city matters. In addition, Eesti Pank will present official commemorative coins dedicated to the City of Tartu, and Silver Sepp will give a presentation.

At 11.00, Tartu 2024 ambassador Limpa will organise a big children’s party on Küüni Street. At 11.41, the precise time of arrival of the Tallinn–Tartu train, Jarek Kasar’s concert Tasa ja Tartu will begin at the Tartu Railway Station.

At 12.00, Küüni Street will become Tartu’s official creative street. Mihhail Gerts, musical director of the City Day gala concert, together with Karmen Puisi and Päär Pärenson, gymnasts from the VK Janika Gymnastics School, and Luuleprõmm (Poetry Slam) will be paying a visit.

The Cultural Richness Street will feature the dances of different nationalities and various workshops. Activities will be offered between 15–16.30 at the Koidula and Jannsen Memorial Square and on Raatuse Street.

On the occasion of City Day, the Tartu Cyclists Union will take a cycling tour through Tartu to introduce the city’s churches named after the patron saints Peter and Paul, and other older and newer sanctuaries. The ride will begin at 16:00, from the pink Tartu 2024 window on Town Hall Square.

The day will end with the gala concert The Capital of Culture Through the Centuries, starting at 19:00 on Town Hall Square. The gala concert will take you on a musical journey through history. The programme begins with the first mention of Tartu in 1030, covers several important moments, such as the acquisition of city rights and the founding of the university, and finally reaches the present day, when Tartu holds the title of European Capital of Culture. ‘Since no compositions from the year 1030 have been preserved, Tauno Aints will be writing a separate opening song for the gala concert,’ says Mikhail Gerts, creative director of the concert. The concert will be followed by a rhythmic after-party, where NÖEP will be selecting music in the DJ booth.

The gala concert, after-party, and Tartu City Day highlights are free for everyone.

Mari-Liis Koemets

avalike suhete osakond
turundus- ja kommunikatsioonispetsialist

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Last changed 19.08.2024